I'm a web designer, crafting vibrant & meaningful digital experiences…

…intuiting the needs of clients and users, and infusing energy and purpose — at breakneck speed.


I’m also passionate about unique brains that work remarkably.



For the past 12 years I’ve been working in UX/UI Design providing marketing websites and apps with a customer-centric approach—prioritizing high accessibility, optimal performance, and aesthetic appeal, facilitating a seamless conversion experience.

Case studies


Harmless Harvest

Kind words

“As a small business owner and small business executive, I have won millions of dollars of new business, largely off the strength of these designs. MK quickly grasps what we need, works amazingly fast, and always goes the extra mile to exceed our expectations. Across dozens of projects, I have never been anything but blown away.”

Russ Rands


“MK is a project manager's dream. Her work is both creative and detail oriented. She is able to work independently when needed and collaboratively with teams. She is great with clients and able to present her work with ease. She is able to get an amazing amount of work done in a short amount of time and is always reliable.”

Elizabeth Cameron 


Get in touch.